

Check in

You may check in anytime after 4 pm.

Check out

You must check out no later than 10 am FROM JULY 1ST.
If you check out late, between 10 am and 12 pm, you will be billed an additional $25.
If you check out after 12 pm, you will be billed for an extra night.


If you need to cancel or shorten your stay, you must notify us before noon (12 pm) on the day of your reservation and no fee will be charged. If you fail to do so, you will be charged a fee equivalent to one night’s accommodations.

Smoke-free environment

We are proud to offer you a smoke-free environment in our rooms and common areas. If you smoke in these areas, a $250 penalty will be charged to your account.

Lost items

Lost items will be stored in the Hotel during 1 month. After that, they will be considered as abandonned and we will get rid of them.


Except for guide dogs, animals are not permitted at our establishment. Failing to abide by this rule will result in a $100 penalty, which will be charged to your account.

Lost and found items

Lost and found items are held in the Hotel for one month. After that, unclaimed items are considered to be abandoned and we don’t keep them anymore.

Comment management

Hôtel Le Francis – Bayou Restaurant and Pub

Your comments about our services and facilities, whether for accommodations or for food services, are very important to us. They give us the opportunity to measure your level of satisfaction and to ensure ongoing improvement.

If you wish to leave a word of satisfaction, a constructive comment or a complaint about our establishment, we invite you to do so by e-mailing contact@hotelfrancis.qc.ca, or leave a hand-written note with the person in charge at the front desk (at the hotel).
